PiHut’s Maker Advent Calendar – Day Six Project

UPDATED! See at the bottom for a video showing the project working and why it wasn’t previous. [SPOLIER I was a numpty].

You’d have thought that by half way through I’d have been able to get the projects to work but apparently not.

Today’s project was to take the light sensor and use it to detect ambient light levels and turn on different coloured LEDs depending on the light level. As you will see from the video only one light ever comes on:

The instructions are very clear that you need to be careful with the sensor to make sure that the longer leg is in the right place otherwise it won’t give you sensible readings. I have checked and double checked and cannot see anything wrong so I’m taking a break and coming back to it later.


As I said I did come back to the project “later” and this time met with great success. Either watch the video to see what I did wrong or scroll to below the video to find out.

The PiHut instructions are very clear that you need to get the sensor round the right way and I didn’t. As soon as I did it all burst in to life.

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