I’m a big fan of Kickstarter (although my credit card  is less keen!) and this little beauty is the second item that I got through the crowd funding site. This is the Tiltpod from Gomite a small, portable tripod. The picture left shows it with the iPhone 4/4S adaptor but it is also available for “normal” cameras.
The great thing about the Tiltpod is its size, it really is small enough to slip in your pocket or clip onto a keychain meaning that there is no excuse for not having it with you when you really need it. The Tiltpod is made up of two pieces – the base and an adaptor. These are join together when needed by a very strong magnet. This means that, if you have the required adaptors, you can use the Tiltpod with all your devices.
The iPhone variant has the adaptor that you can see in the picture with the groove which holds your device securely in place. For compact cameras that is either a ball with a standard tripod screw thread on it or on with an adhesive mount to stick to the bottom of the camera.
I was pleasantly surprised at just how stable it was given the size, certainly good enough for those family shots you want to be included in.
My only word of warning is that the magnet is very strong. It already has formed a close attachment to my metal usb stick and I worry about putting it anywhere near my wallet for fear of wiping my credit cards. Apart from that I would say it was perfect.
You can see more pictures of the Tiltpod in the slideshow below and yes, that is a TARDIS sticker on the back of my iPhone!